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My Literacy Memoir

While reflecting on my own thoughts and experiences involving traditional literacy and my understanding of literacy, I have realized that...

The Divide of Rural & Urban America

Throughout the last 5 weeks of this course, we have intensely taken a look into the role of identity and dignity in regard to the history...

The Rise of Decolonization

The rise of decolonization is a process that reveals the historical connection between European countries and countries from other...

The Impact of Globalization

In this first unit, it was very clear to see just how diverse of a world we live in. Due to our diversity, there are always going to be...

Uncovering Diversity in Our World

Going through the modules and different reading assignments for this course has been an eye-opening experience for me. We are fortunate...

Living in a Data Driven World

After taking the time to think more about how data reflects my life and the world around me, I have noticed that we rely on data more...

Exploring The Design Thinking Process

Week #2- “Design Challenge” In the first part of this process, although the three projects differed from each other with their topics,...

Media' Impact on Terrorism

As I have learned throughout this course, terrorist groups always have particular motivations and goals for committing their violent...

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